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Extracting and Retrieving Displacements from textual Documents



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A demonstration tool

This website provides a demonstration tool for the automatic reconstruction of itineraries extracted from narrative texts.
The main functions are :
  • Extraction of geographical information with natural language processing
  • Toponyms resolution in the context of an itinerary
  • Itinerary reconstruction


  1. Extraction of geographical information
    • Extraction of spatial named entities, spatial relations and motion expressions
      • Part-of-Speech tagging analyser
      • Linguistic patterns
      • Finite-state transducers cascade
  2. Toponyms resolution and disambiguation
    • Subtyping toponyms
    • External geographical resources (gazetteers) :
      • BDNyme provided by IGN France
      • Geonames
      • OpenStreetMap
    • Clustering by density
This tool is currently available for French, Spanish and Italian. Show examples
